Friday, November 30, 2007

Is global warming real and man-made?

Contribute your thoughts and links by clicking on the word “COMMENTS” below.


Anonymous said...

This topic is more controversial among the general public and in the media than in the scientific community, where a large majority of scientists trained in the field agree that the evidence indicates that climate change is both real and, at least partly, man-made. There is greater disagreement on how rapidly the changes may occur and how severe they may be.

In an attempt to appear "fair and balanced", the media have, in the past, often presented the views of scientists with opposite opinions on the topic, and this has given the public the impression that scientists in general are evenly divided on the issue. It is, of course, important to look at both sides, but it is also important to realize that a large majority of researchers are convinced that we are faced with a serious problem of our own making.

tiger said...

The fact that even the American Association of Petroleum Geologists acknowledge that climate change is real and that humans play a role shows that the debate on climate change is not one of yes/no or even whether humans contribute. All of the scientific organizations agree that climate change is real and that human activity is part of the cause. The debate is not over whether, but center on much climate change is attributable to human actions; 2. how quickly global temperature change will occur; 3. how much global temperatures will rise; 4. what results will derive from climate change; 5. what can be done to limit/control climate change; and 6. how best to go about the possible changes to offset global warming trends.

Anonymous said...

I think that global warming is a combination of man and evolution of time. Things in the world were going to happen reguardless of anything we had done. Although we didnt cause global warming to happen we might have speed up the purpose a little bit by all the fossil fuels and pollution we have cuased.

Anonymous said...

I belive it is cause strongly because of people who are greedy. We are to dependent upon cars and transportion in this day and time which caues more pollution than chemical plants alone. Now as days people are working farther from home which is causes more car time which leads to more pollution. The lack of hybirds and fuel saving cars the world will one day be backto the cave man if we dont stop. I belive that its all do to the people on this earth and in return these people are the only ones who can fix the problem.

Anonymous said...

I truely believe that global warming is caused by a combination of time and man. Things like these were going to happen in time no matter what. But we might have help speed it up by all the pollution and careless things we people do in society today.

Anonymous said...

This topic to me is very two sided and i side with that this is caused my man. This is truely caused by people who are greedy. We as Americans are to greddy and dependent on transportion to places. In this day and age most people work farther from home so this means more pollution and burning of fossil fuels.

Anonymous said...

I belive it is all due to science. man didnt cause global warming but it might have help to speed up the purpose. i belive that we cant stop this now from happening because we have done to much to hurt it.

Anonymous said...

Well i belive that global warming is caused by the pollution we Americans putr into the world and all the chemical plants and burning of fossil fuels. WE should be more caring and respect the earth a little more and this might not have happen for many more years or centuries.

Anonymous said...

Really I think that its caused by time but speeded up by the way we live are lifes today. Although this was going to happen I belive if we would of been more careful if might not of happen for centuries to come. I belive that we can not stop this purpose now but we might be able to slow it back down to normal speed.

Anonymous said...

I believe that global warming is a result of man-made problems such as pollution combining with evolutionary issues such as drastically warmer climates on certain parts of the earth. The problem is a very serious one with many people searching for an answer or solution. However, I also feel that the damage has been done and there is no way for us to reverse the fact that the earth's climate is much warmer (whether it be due to human issues or evolution issues) and we will have to face the consequences when the come.

Anonymous said...

The current increase of pollution into the atmosphere contributes to the increased temperature around the planet because these energy rays from the sun are not bouncing off but being held in.

Anonymous said...

I believe that global warming is a natural process that our earth and environment are going through. Too much hype and hysteria are being exagerated by the media.

Anonymous said...

I think is going to happen no matter what we do as humans to the earth. What what we do as humans wont realy effect the world.

EJ said...

I believe global warming is man made. Because of how many people live on this earth, every little bit of pollution adds up. Things that could be avoided are aerosol cans, exhaust from cars, chemical plants, etc. The movie Inconvenient Truth is also another good point of view about the subject. We all should do what we can to protect our environment for our future generations.

Anonymous said...

I think that global warming is a very real problem, and that at least some of the warming is caused by the activities of humans. Have been very frustrated by this administration's failure to accept scientific data. Believe that Bush missed a wonderful opportunity to encourage Americans to change their habits in the wake of 9/11, when folks were pulling together and would have been willing to make sacrifices in the name of national unity and defense. One of the major problems is the pitiful state of mass transportation throughout much of our country--our infrastructure (including housing patterns) as well as our habits and expectations make transportation-related energy savings difficult to achieve/address at the level of the individual. Would like to see tax advantages for installation of alternative energy technologies increased.

Anonymous said...

I think that global warming is created mostly by man, but also a small percentage is also created by nature. I believe it could be at least controlled, but people either believe it isn't real, or they are aware it exists, but it wont affect them in the future, because they'll be gone by that time. The sad thing is that your grandkids will be affected by global warming. Doing little things like changing a lightbulb to a florescent bulb is one step closer to a healthy earth.

Anonymous said...

I think that global warming is man made, I mean what did they think would happen when they mass produced cars, trucks and suv's. Not to mention cutting down all the forest to build on.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is something that has happened and will continue to happen it's not something that we have caused. It's something that I believe that todays media are causing more of a problem. In the end we need to ask ourselves...what do we really need to do?

Anonymous said...

Global warning is actually a very important issue that the entire world needs to start thinking about. It is causing many irreversable issues that are harming not only society as a whole, but also our environment and ecosystem. If this problem is not recognized and the proper steps taken to stop or at least slow down global warning, it will make our planet a little worse.

Anonymous said...

Yes, global warming is very real and is man-made. In today's society we are causing most of the problems that we are facing. With all the pollution, technology, and the fact that we are cutting down more and more trees. Look at houston and the fact that we have less and less trees everyday.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe that global warming is real and I also believe it is the result of modern technology and pollution. God created a world that was intended to "take care of itself" and we humans have created many things that have upset that delicate balance. It is unfortunate but it has happened. I just hope that we can now concentrate on ways to correct the problem ( less pollution, etc.) Better fuel sources, less waste and more awareness by all people is needed.

Anonymous said...

I think that the world is just healing itself. It is something naurtal and it is just the world healing itself. The fact that everybody is saying it's man-made, I really don't agree with that but the one thing is, is with all the pollution and everything thats going on, all it's doing is helping the world heal itself faster or just speeding itself along thats all.

Anonymous said...

I am not totally convinced of the overall impact of Global Warming. There is for sure an impact of our generation of green house gasses, but there is also the factor of an overall climate cycle that is un-clear and not totally predictable. I think that the combination of greenhouse gas generation and being in the "warming part" of the overall climate cycle is amplifying the affects that we see today globally. No matter the actual case, the reduction of man-made greenhouse gasses is a good thing for the "health" of our global community.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is a simple cause of us. We are causing a problem with all the pollution. The suns rays are getting hotter and can not exit out of the ozone because of the overload of the co2.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is a problem that needs to be addressed. It is caused by humans with our high emission vehicles. Strictly caused by humans . global Warming Is something that is not able to be stopped but can be slowed down by a reduction in our carbon emisions into the atmosphere .

Anonymous said...

The earth is for sure warming, but not immediatly proven to why it is warming.... natural cause or man made.Scientists on the right are silenced by tree hugers on the left who are more vocal or hollywood established in there belief of global warming human influenced instead of the scientist natural cause view.

Anonymous said...

I belief global warming is naturally acurring. Major companies are making the largest impact. I belief we should all try to do our part to keep our planet beautifull. global warming can be slowed down with our help but will not be stopped immediatly. I feel many people are not well educated on this issue.

Anonymous said...

I Belief Global Warming is the biggest farce ever experienced. Al gore is a hypocrit, John edwards is even worse. Man is unable to alter natures coarse. Vote republican! I feel the issue has all been turned into a money skam.

Anonymous said...

I feel global warming is a proven fact, though there is no sure proof that man has excelerated it, we no it is for sure happening. Asteroids, earthquakes, forest fires and volcanoes have probably had more effect on the wather changes then people have.

Anonymous said...

I think the "jury is still out" as to the actual cause of global warming. As with many scientific arguments, it's easy to make a case for either side. At the end of the day, what is important is that the world realizes that we cannot continue to waste our valuable natural resources, but instead, learn to further develop alternative forms of energy such as wind, solar, nuclear and hydroelectric power.

Anonymous said...

I think global warming is part of the natural processes associated with the earth's life. I also believe that we, as humans, contribute to this in both positive and negative ways. It is up to us as caretakers to find ways to reduce the negative effects we have on our world whether or not they are the "root" cause or a contributing one.

Anonymous said...

I believe that global warming is mainly caused by natural effects, but humans are also a contributing factor. We need to take responsibility for global warming. If we find another way to power our cars, we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses in the air that cause the rise of earth's temperature.

maverick said...

Is global warming real?

well if you're talking about the inevitable conclusion of a major environmental hazard that will effect the world in irreversible ways...


Global warming is just theory.
one that will change over and over within the span of time. As we track this phenomenon's throughout our lives, it WILL become clear that things are not as they once were, but the earth has been changing since the dawn of time, so how can we say we can put a stop to it.

Sure, there's a chance we are the cause of it...humanity as a whole, but I don't think that means the end of the world. I think it only means a new way of adapting and surviving.

Either way, I don't believe we can classify global warming as "real" until it becomes a reality, as for now it's only theory because you don't know EXACTLY what's going to happen. There is only chance, and you can't bank on that.

The only thing that is 'real' is that the world IS and forever...humanity wise and economically.

Carla Fernandez said...

I believe global warming is man-made. The things that we choose to do and the consequences of those actions greatly impact our environment. For example, we light a campfire and don't think of the byproducts of buring wood and fossil fuels. The way we live our lives is very selfish if you think about it. We worry about the here and now, instead of the future. This makes little sense, because our children and our children's children have to live here.

Jan Geddes said...

I believe that a certain amount of global warming is natural. I would also have to say that the majority of it is man made. The way we live our lives is not conducive to environmental safety. We drive cars that run on gasoline, for the most part. The number of chemical plants along our coast is very large. The pollution put directly into the air is enormous. It seems that scientists are basically standing on both sides of the issue, but for me, I have to say that global warming is at least partly, perhaps mostly man made.

Anonymous said...

If you study both sides, which includes a great number of scientists who do not even believe the data shows global warming and that satellite data even shows a cooling trend (ex. Timothy Ball, former professor of geology), the most common sense answer is that there is simply not enough scientific evidence proving global warming. It is not hard at all to see the opinions of opposing scientists online if you are willing to be open minded and not simply brainwashed by the opinions of a few. However, I will post a blog on what to do about it and you will see why if you care to look at it.

Anonymous said...

I believe that global warming is a cyclical process. The world was made for us, not us for the world. How many times has San Antonio declared a state of emergency because of drought, and then turn around in the next year or two, and be flooding. The world is not going to come to an end before Jesus' return.

Anonymous said...

I think that global warming is real. It is a natural phenomena that is most likely not affected by humans. It cannot be stopped and people should move away from areas that will be under water.

Anonymous said...

Rida Haider

Anonymous said...

Yes i believe global warming is real and yes its mostly caused by humans. All these gases that we put in the air from cars and power plant and etc play a great big role. I read somewhere that the change in the weather like the cold areas being not so cold anymore and the hot areas getting colder its because of the global warming, its causing the weather to get all crazy and mixed up

Anonymous said...

I think that there are good and bad arguments to both sides. I think that the Earth is heating up, but it is not cause by human CO2 omissions. If you look at it, CO2 increases actually follow warming patterns instead of the other way around. Water naturally absorbs CO2 so, as as the ocean heats up, it releases it.

Anonymous said...

I believe that global warming is not the huge issue that others have made it out to be.

God created man to take care of the earth and all that exists (Gen 1:28-30). The fact is that man is sinful...we've not done as God told us to do, and the planet is suffering.

Even so, global warming is not going to destroy the earth or mankind. The world will end when God, in His timing, decides it is time. Great judgments will be delivered, Christ will return, and Satan, sin, and death will be defeated.

We need to get right with God. We certainly need to be better stewards of the world that God has given us. We do not need to panic. God is in control, and He knows how and when the world will end.

Anonymous said...

I think global warming is caused by us. It is very much so man-made. Everything that we are doing today is not helping the temp. change is at all. I mean in the long run if we don't realize that we are causing the problem the world may be gone in a zillon years from now or sooner.

Unknown said...

I belive that global warming is real. i just don't think that it is so bad it will destroy the world. God will determine when the time is right.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion global warmingis a natural process. The bible states that events will happen that lead to the destruction of earth and in my opinion this is just a step in that direction. Our summers are getting hotter by a couple of degrees every year and our winters are becoming a little colder also. Global warming is a natural process that will continue to happen no matter what man does to try and prevent it. Man has to accept that he can not control everything.

Anonymous said...

yes i believe that the global warming is happening, but there are many factors contributing to it. If you drive a car, own a atv, own cattle, eat food, or pass gas, you are depleting the ozone. yes it is real, but it would happen even with out fossil fuel, do to methane gas.

Anonymous said...

I think that global warming is happening, but I do not believe it is happening soley due to human doings. I do not think that we are helping at all but I do not believe that we are the reason for global warming. I think that wether or not we were here it would be happening anyway.

Anonymous said...

Astronomers and scientists have reported for the last decade that a hyperactivity in solar storms have produced an increase in flares. This has a "burn off" affect on the earth's atmosperical gases making the earth's temperature fluctuate and having an affect on weather and gravity etc. The hype in the media conserning the economic advantage of going green is a product of government and corporations maximising on public fear for economic gain.

Shelley said...

Global warming is real and something we should have been worrying about before now. The people that deny that we are causing it have monetary interests in having us stick our heads in the sand. We need to worry about our future generations having a safe world to exist in.

Anonymous said...

I belive that global warming is real. I think that it was here form the beginning of time to keep a substancial control on the enviroments temperature.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is a combination of several contributing factors. First it is the natural earth warming cycle that has been going on for 10,000 yrs or so. This cycle has several forces that include oceanic currents and warmer water temperatures and the retreating glacier shelves. However, I believe that mans uncontrolled pollution of the atmosphere thru-out the industrial ages with chemical releases are truly accelerating the earths warming cycle. Man can only control what man does! Not how God created the earth. Changing pollution is the responsibility of man, changing Gods creation is up to Him.

Anonymous said...

First, I must say that "The Theory of Global Warming" is to me still a theory. A whole lot of people are using this theory as a chance for personal gain while for some reason other folks feel the need for someone or for something to blame for every little thunderstorm or drought that occurs. To me Climatology is still a new science and does not currently have the ability to accurately predict the weather for more than a few days as shown by the model for this year’s Atlantic Hurricane Season. If Scientists can not do that how can they be expected to accurately incorporate the man made changes to our environment (i.e. pollution, the density changes to flora and fauna and our “adjustments” to various natural watersheds) with the natural ones (i.e. gravity, solar flares, the movements of the ice sheets and the oceanic currents)? I think the talk on this theory should be put on hold for a few years until we get some more research done. The debate has become political which does not help the needs of our environment one little bit.
Second, I think we should seek to control our own pollution. To me that is simply a moral issue as we are the stewards of our planet and should act accordingly. No level of pollution should be acceptable but, at this moment that is not a practical solution. What we need to do is what we have been doing only more of it. All industries worldwide should be actively seeking ways to make a cut of their current levels of emissions. Governments should encourage and mandate these reductions more stringently and yes I agree very few have enough of this in the past. Individuals should make their local and national governments accountable as well as doing something themselves. It is always easy to blame everyone else or the “Government” for our problems. It takes individuals to solve them.

amana said...

global warming is a reality. the change in whaether patterns and the climate shift are testimonials to its existence

amana said...

global warming is a reality. the change in whaether patterns and the climate shift are testimonials to its existence

Anonymous said...

"I believe global warming is a natural process that happens in different periods over time, but warming is probably worse than it should be because of greenhouse gases."

Anonymous said...

"I believe global warming is a factor of both the natural process of the earth's warming and cooling cycles, but that between industrialization and mass consumption that people definitely contribute to it also."

Anonymous said...

"I believe global warming is a natural process caused by nature and has been sped up by human actions."

Anonymous said...

I do believe that Global Warming is real. Just during my lifetime, it is noticeable that United States has become stricter with EPA guidelines on industrial plants, which is a major economic source for many people in South Texas. These laws have affected these major oil refineries to clean up for the environment, which at the same time will clean up some of the greenhouse gases that being released. I believe that so much damage during the industrial growth of our country to include the technology shared with other countries across the world for economically reasons. At this point people really understand the total effects of global warming, it just seems that it needs to be completely serious by all of the world and not just the major developed countries.

Anonymous said...

There so are many examples that a person can give to prove that global warming is true. The one that i can give is that more and more stromd and hurricans are caused my global warming.

Anonymous said...

The theory that global warming is the result of human activities is just that, a theory. Climate changes do occur, but it may be a cycle that should not cause alarm.

Anonymous said...

I think that global warming is both real and man made. I believe that it is a natural process but it being affected by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels. 99% of photosynthesis occurs in the ocean and as CO2 levels increase in the atmosphere, they will also increase in the ocean therefore the excess CO2 will be used up and the levels will overall drop. Scientists are all constantly debating this matter but John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel, recently stated that the concerns over global warming are unwarranted.

Anonymous said...

I think that global warming is both real and man made but both sides are being made out to the extreme. The media is making a huge deal over biased information that some scientists release, even though the other half of the scientists completely disagree. I believe that humans are doing more things today than we used to do to hurt the environment, but not to the point that we are destroying the earth and being the sole cause of global warming.

Anonymous said...

I'm torn between the two. I believe that we are having some affect on the ozone with our actions, but I don't know to what extent. But I also can see it as a natural process because we have already gone through an ice age, which was the earth's natural cooling process, so why can't we be going through a natural warming process now?

Anonymous said...

I think that global warming is mostly man made based on all the fossil fuel burning and aerosol cans and other human activities. But on the other hand, I'm sure some of it is real and the world is just going through a change.

Anonymous said...

The theory that global warming is the result of human activities is just that, a theory. Climate changes do occur, but it may be a cycle that should not cause alarm.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is real and may be partly accelerated by human activities. As the human population continues to grow, it will be more important for governments around the world to deal with this issue. Individuals will also need to do their part in what choices we make in how we choose to use energy.

Anonymous said...

The earth's temperature is constantly changing. The fact that so many people are willing to believe the lies about this topic just shows the sorry state of science education and science knowledge in the US. When you study the facts, not the politically-based nonsense published by the UN IPCC, you see that the long term temperature trend shows that the current climate is not that unusual. You also find out that there are a lot of people with an agenda to push that has nothing to do with "saving the planet". Check out and Don't be a lemming. The UN is not our friends. They have demonstrated over and over again that they have no interest in seeing anyone prosper, particularly the United States.

Anonymous said...

Global Warming is definitely real. But for one to say that it is strictly caused by man is absurd. Man is doing nothing more than aiding the process. Scientifical evidence has proved that this phenomenon is inevitable. CO2 emissions and ozone depletion are man's contribution to the destruction of this world. But if action is taken now, a few more years could be added on this earth's life.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is a man made theory but as far as reality goes one can only speculate whether it is real or not. There is alot evidence of it but most of it is extrapolated data. Then I go look at Al Gore laugh,and move on with my life.

Anonymous said...

In my study of meteorology, I have learned the without exception, all weather events are cyclical. I believe the current warming trend is no exception. We have, in the past two years, heard dire predictions of the "worst hurricane season ever," yet they haven't materialized. Why? Because we have no clue! We have such an infinitesimal view of our universe that we show our own arrogance in making bold statements related to our theories as if they are facts. One eruption of Mt Pinatubo did more to the ozone layer than 50 years of human emissions. Yes, we need to be responsible stewards of our planet. Yes, we have a responsibility to do better. We, however, need to be careful of pushing our own agendas in the name of science. It becomes something other than science. It becomes politics at its worst.

Anonymous said...

Climate change has occurred before human interference but in this case we are the problem. Our pollution of our enviroment has led to an increasing average tempature and quickly melting ice caps. Scientists, for the most part, agree that global warming is man-made and is a very corcerning issue and I trust their expert opinions when it comes to climate change.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is real, however, I do not believe that it is totally man-made. Can humans do better at being more "green"? Sure--but mother nature plays a big role in global warming as well.

Anonymous said...

i think global warming is a serious problem this is our world and were not taking care of it as was intended. although i do believe nature has played its part in the whole matter, we have just fast-forwarded the process.

Anonymous said...

First, I must say that "The Theory of Global Warming" is to me still a theory. A whole lot of people are using this theory as a chance for personal gain while for some reason other folks feel the need for someone or for something to blame for every little thunderstorm or drought that occurs. To me Climatology is still a new science and does not currently have the ability to accurately predict the weather for more than a few days as shown by the model for this year’s Atlantic Hurricane Season. If Scientists can not do that how can they be expected to accurately incorporate the man made changes to our environment (i.e. pollution, the density changes to flora and fauna and our “adjustments” to various natural watersheds) with the natural ones (i.e. gravity, solar flares, the movements of the ice sheets and the oceanic currents)? I think the talk on this theory should be put on hold for a few years until we get some more research done. The debate has become political which does not help the needs of our environment one little bit.
Second, I think we should seek to control our own pollution. To me that is simply a moral issue as we are the stewards of our planet and should act accordingly. No level of pollution should be acceptable but, at this moment that is not a practical solution. What we need to do is what we have been doing only more of it. All industries worldwide should be actively seeking ways to make a cut of their current levels of emissions. Governments should encourage and mandate these reductions more stringently and yes I agree very few have enough of this in the past. Individuals should make their local and national governments accountable as well as doing something themselves. It is always easy to blame everyone else or the “Government” for our problems. It takes individuals to solve them.

Anonymous said...

I believe that global warming, regardless of what some think, is REAL. Research shows that the earth's temperatures and weather patterns have always varied for centuries, with an example being ice ages, but in recent history, along with human interference, the world's temperature increase has grown more rapidly. I also believe that we, as citizens of this...Earth... should be more concerned than we are. As of now, it seems that no one really cares, for it will only affect the lifestyles of our children's children's children and generations from now. But global warming is a process, in which some of it happens in OUR lifetime. There is no way to just STOP global warming, but things can be done to slow down the process, such as recycling, using alternate modes of transportation, reducing pollution, and maybe raising the air conditioning temperatures simply a couple degrees so that students don't have to wear sweaters in classrooms during August.

Anonymous said...

Of course global warming is real, and though the earth cycles through hot and cold periods, there is concrete evidence that humans add to this cycle considerably.

Anonymous said...

I think the earth is going through its natural cycle. Everything happens for a reason, maybe this is intended to open our eyes and teach us how to take better care of our planet. I do not think we should worry about Global Warming anymore than we worry about other issues that we are struggling with.

Anonymous said...

I believe that global warming is just a hoax. It doesnt really matter. It just gives people a reason to gripe about something.

Anonymous said...

I believe that global warning is real!! The earth weather is changing daily. Until everyone starts to help out, we will see more changes that will affect our daily lives.

Anonymous said...

I think that global warning is real but not as important as everyone thinks. I think that over time we will be able to tell if the changes to the polar ice caps cause major problems.

Unknown said...

I believe that global warming, regardless of what some think, is REAL. Research shows that the earth's temperatures and weather patterns have always varied for centuries, with an example being ice ages, but in recent history, along with human interference, the world's temperature increase has grown more rapidly. I also believe that we, as citizens of this...Earth... should be more concerned than we are. As of now, it seems that no one really cares, for it will only affect the lifestyles of our children's children's children and generations from now. But global warming is a process, in which some of it happens in OUR lifetime. There is no way to just STOP global warming, but things can be done to slow down the process, such as recycling, using alternate modes of transportation, reducing pollution, and maybe raising the air conditioning temperatures simply a couple degrees so that students don't have to wear sweaters in classrooms during August.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is real. The Earth is in a state of constant change. It goes through periods of cooling and heating, such as ice ages. Human activity over the past two thousand years, has obviously had adverse effects on the environment around us. I live in an area where on a daily basis I am reminded of the pollutants that the petrochemical area dumps into our air and more than likely our waterways. I don't believe its a matter of does it exist, but rather how can we curb our wastes to lessen the problem that will be detrimental to future generations.

Anonymous said...

I think that global warming is very real, i also thing it is caused by people and our polution by cars and all the other unhealthy things we use daily that continue to polute the earth. It will be a very difficult task to undo what we have done.

Heidi said...

My feeling on Global Warming is that it has existed forever. There is no beginning or end. It is based on the Gulf Stream's highs or lows.

Heidi said...

My feeling on Global Warming is that it has existed forever. There is no beginning or end. It is based on the Gulf Stream's highs or lows.

Rey O said...

I believe that Global warming is a serious concern for our environment. I do not know much but I do believe we should investigate in it further and address the problem.

Anonymous said...

Global Warming is mostly caused by man made things for example from power plants, cars, airplanes, buildings, and cutting down forests.

Danny K said...

Is global warming real and man-made?

On one hand, it certainly seems threatening, but on the other, it seems that politicians are constantly trying to scare us with an Armageddon-scale disaster that we cause by current standards in the industry.

I think that while global warming is an issue, it is not as big an issue as is pressed by the public at large. Should we ignore it? No, but we certainly shouldn't worry about it as much as it seems that we do.

K Flow said...

The information about global warming concerns me. We need to do our part and find alternate fuels and recycle to help with our part in persevering the earth.

Anonymous said...

I really and truly think that global warming should be talked about more, maybe alot of people's questions today would be somewhat answered.

Anonymous said...

Of course global warming is real. So is global cooling. As to which occurs more is a different question.

While it is probably true that some global warming is due to pollution, it can not solely be seen as a fault of man. The Earth has shown fluctuations of warming and cooling throughout time, and with or without man this cycle would most likely continue. Humans may tip the scales in favor of warming more than cooling, but not so much that it is a problem.

Anonymous said...

People are making too much of a deal about it, although it will have an effect on us, but i think thats way ahead in the future

Fat Boy said...

My take on global warming is that its over rated. I think there are more important things to worry about in our world. If it was such a big deal Al Gore would not have 3 jets and a house that consumes more energy than I do over a 10 year period. If it was such a big problem then more people would be concerned about it.

Anonymous said...

There is enough proof to show that global warming is real. Most of it, humans have no control over it considering it's the earth's climate. But the little that humans contribute to it, we can and should stop.
For those who don't believe global warming is real then I ask one question, what if it does happen?
I think it's safer to take precautions now than be sorry later.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't believe global warming is real or much less man made.If such thing were true, then the world would be suffering its effects right now. Pollution has been around for many years and if everyday things like driving your car or even using hairspray cause it then we're ok because nothing has happened. Even if global warming were true, it would take millions of years to see its effects, becuase apparently its at a slow rate.

Jb ailey said...

Both sides have strong points. I personally say that its a scam! its part of the earths natural cycle. One volcano can put out more pollution than we have since the industrial revolution.

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that man has had, and will have for centuries to come have, an impact on the climate of earth. Although it is one of the hot button issues of the 21st century, it was preceded by another hot button issue in the 1970's. GLOBAL COOLING, as proclaimed in Newsweek, on April 28, 1975:

So which is is? Is the earth cooling? Is the earth warming? The correct answer is both. The earth goes through warming and cooling cycles over it's lifetime.

The impact that man has is greatly overshadowed by the impact made by, animal and plant respiration, by which oxygen and nutrients are converted into CO2 and energy, and plant photosynthesis by which CO2 is removed from the atmosphere and stored as carbon in plant biomass, ocean-atmosphere exchange, in which the oceans absorb and release CO2 at the sea surface, and Volcanic eruptions which release carbon from rocks deep in the Earth’s crust (the smallest contributor).

Again, there is NO DOUBT that humans have an impact, the level of impact and what we can do about it is what needs to be discussed.

IMO, if more people would only consume the resources necessary to maintain their lives and cut down on excesses, we would be a lot better off environmentally.

For example: If everyone drove vehicles that fit their need we could cut down on the numbers of Ford F350's and Dodge 3500's that are on the road just because they look good. If you are suit wearing executive that works 40 miles away from your house, you have no children, and don't own a trailer, then perhaps you should be driving a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla...maybe even a hybrid.

Just because you "can", doesn't necessarily mean you "should". If people took more personal responsibility and only "took" from nature what they needed to survive, the state we are in now would be much better...but hey this is America right? Splurge, Charge, Write it off, and go back for more...It's the American way!

Anonymous said...

Global warming is very real but not man made. It is an ongoing evolutionary process since last Ice age about ten thousand years ago. mankind in 20th century has expedited process of global warming.

lulu said...

I believe that this is a problem that should be taken care of as soon as possible. I we need to depend less on oil and find other fuels and reduce our pollution.

Anonymous said...

I believe that a great deal of the global warming is due to our lifestyle, that if we don't change our ways soon, it might be too late! Our consumption of petroleum products, our lack of tuning in with our Earth, and the disbelief of many people that global warming exhists will be the cause of our culture's decline. Governments around the world need to implement more strict regulations on issues like emissions, recycling, and disposal of harzardous materials. I'm afraid of the poor quality of life we are leaving for our children and their children.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is real and is man made. Something we could help stop.

Anonymous said...

Scientists site carbon dioxide for global warming stating that transportation is responsible for a third, electric power plants a third, and agriculture, cement production, and housing for the rest. The amount of carbon found in the atmosphere is increasing and going back to the age before the dinosaurs...Ouch! Wake up folks! Smell the coffee!

Kent said...

"Global Warming" is real. The surface temperature of the earth is increasing, oceans are rising and glaciers are melting. This phenomena is NOT man-made BUT, man can contribute to the process.
Before industrialized centers came along, volcanoes and other hot spots pumped toxic gases into the air (and still do). Global warming is nothing new to Mother Earth. Earth goes through cycles of warming and cooling all on its own. We see evidence of ice ages as well as warmer tropical phases over the life of our Earth.
The fact is that while we may not cause global warming, we can contribute to it, perhaps speeding up the process. Study has not yet revealed how much mankind has really affected the overall process, and we may never know.
In conclusion, global warming is real, but it is not man-made.

Anonymous said...

I’m on the fence when it comes to global warming, especially if it’s completely man-made or a natural occurrence. With idiots like Al Gore (who claims he invented the internet) parading around, it’s tough to take anything he says seriously. However, there seems to be a lot of credible evidence (higher sea levels, reduced glacier area, increased temperatures, etc.). Although, they claim data back to 1860, which seems hard to rely on temperature data collected back then (especially since we’re talking about a few degrees difference over a 150 years). I think more data/analysis is necessary. And although the surface temperatures appear to be warming, maybe it’s a natural cycle and will begin cooling (in the 1970s the talk was about “Global Cooling”).

Anonymous said...

i think global warming will affect us, but not any time soon. Over time the ice caps will melt, but its not anything to worry about right now.

Anonymous said...

Well, part of the blame also has to go to environmentalists who were against the pursuit of alternative power options, such as nuclear power. Maybe if we had pursued that option long ago, we wouldn't be in such a crisis now.

Anonymous said...

I believe that global warming is true and that the temperature is changing. Also that the earth is becoming more polluted. But whether we realize it or not the earth is changing everyday.

Anonymous said...

global warming is not a natural even it is a man made catastrophe, if we don't do anything soon we will have successfully destroyed this world in which our children will pay the costs.

Anonymous said...

I believe that global warming is true and that the temperature is changing. Also that the earth is becoming more polluted. But whether we realize it or not the earth is changing everyday.

Anonymous said...

I truely believe that people should not be so worried about global warming because the world is a huge organism that can re-establish its self when the need comes. I mean I think that if you emphasize soo much into what humans do, then we're not letting the miracle and power of God exist.

Anonymous said...

If man make products from volatile chemicals and they are not doing enough to clean the excess waste then we are the blame for the side effects we are experiencing.

Anonymous said...

I seriously think that people could do a lot more for the conservation of electricity and water by changing some of their habits. one thin I admire about other countries is that when theres a crisis in money they also tend to conserve more electricity by switching to flourescent light bulbs and using less water. I think that America has really taken advantage of the supplies that we have in excess and now we're prostelitizing to the world that they need to conserve electricity, we need to look at ours selves first.

Anonymous said...

Things happen for a reason and we'll all have to pay for it sometime, I try and recycle and use less water bottles by using personal containers, people should realize that all the paper and plastic products really do go somewhere that's not so pretty.

Anonymous said...

The earth's temperature has been in decline since 1998:


Anonymous said...

O well i belive that global warming is just a climate cycle. It happened in the past. We dont have to worry about that. Because of weather is changing big time. We have to take care of that, otherwise it will be too late.

Anonymous said...

I belive that global warming is man made and is something that needs attention drawn to it. The polltion and damage that it causes is killing our earth. I belive that it is real and needs to be taken seriously by our society. This can be done by doing simple things such as car polling and alternate sources of fuel.

Anonymous said...

Global Warming is not good. I believe there is not enough information to assess whether man is the cause or if it is merely cyclic phenomena. However, we should not exasporate the condition in the earth's atmosphere. We should take precautions to reduce emisions and concerve energy.

jetster10 said...

There is no scientific evidence to support the contention that Global Warming exists. The news media contiually trys to create something out of nothing. Any minor change in weather is being touted by the media as solid evidence that the world is warming and future generations are doomed.

Anonymous said...

I think global warming is real. One of the reason is the concentration of carbon dioxide increased surface temperatures more in winter than in summer and especially in mid and high latitudes over land, while there was a global cooling of the stratosphere.

Anonymous said...

I think that why take a chance. There is no doubt that we have done many things to hurt our planet earth. Global warming is real and something needs to be done about it. I think that we can change it and turn it around, by doing simple tasks to help our earth.

Anonymous said...

As a science major, I've heard the theory of global warming expounded upon more times than I can count. Despite the numerous discourses throughout my education, I still can't help but question the idea, at least in part. The scientific community can't deny the fact that the earth has gone through multiple climate changes in its 4.5 billion years of existence. Why is the left-wing media so dead set on the idea that humans are causing he shift in our temperatures? I am not denying the fact that humans pollute, but I question whether or not our pollution is enough to cause the quasi-drastic shift we are being blamed for. It is my opinion that there are much more immediate threats to our environment that need attention and action (like coastal erosion due to canalization or raging fires because of a lack of fire management or the effect of deforestation on species biodiversity). Until there is more conclusive evidence that the change in the earth's temperatures are directly linked to humans and have nothing to do with the cyclical nature of the earth, I'll continue to entertain my skepticism.

Anonymous said...

I do believe that global warming is real. The melting of the polar ice caps has caused a rise in our sea levels and needs to be more of a concern to our world. I’m not sure that we can completely stop it , because the damage to the ozone layer cant be undone. Conserving energy and cutting back on pollution can never do any harm. So in short, I do believe in global warming but I’m not sure that it is entirely man made.

Anonymous said...

Global Warming does not seem to be as serious as the politicians make it out to be. It seems it is more a show for them than a real problem. It is definitely a problem that we should worry about but it wont hurt us any time soon.

Anonymous said...

I belive that global warming is not real and is just a natural cycle of the earth. People in our society are pesimistic and look for the things that are wrong instead of just slowing down and looking at the facts. Our earth protects itself and will continue to do so. Man has been on this earth for a long time and just because of the increase in science we are able to actually record these changes. I belive that it is not real and most definitally not man made.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the effects of global warming are present. It effects all the regions of the world, not just one spot. With glaciers melting this causes tides to rise. I also believe that polution is the main cause of global warming. The world is growing and things are changing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure either way.
I think this in one of those things that only time will tell. If it is in fact man made, then the big question would be, are we doing enough to stop or control it? Or, is this even possible?

Anonymous said...

I think it's a combination of what man has done to the earth and what the earth was set to do naturally. We just sped things up a bit. I really do think that global warming is something we need to be concerned about and maybe we should be trying to help slow it down to it's natural speed again.

Anonymous said...

From what I have read of the research it seems as though global warming is not as imminent a threat as the media would have us to believe. Further, isn't it kind of absurd to think that we could live on a planet and not affect the things around us? The most recent talk on the subject has been the concept of a "carbon footprint"... well, of corse we are going to leave a carbon footprint! If we didn't, it would mean that we were dead! And even decomposition of the human body leaves a carbon footprint.

Although we may be able to do some good to our enviroment, e.g. reduce the ammount of polution, require greater restrictions on products, or conserving more forest land, we still cannot reverse the affects of naturally occuring phenomena, that is, us.

Anonymous said...

I think global warming is real. I do not believe the facts are long enough to put real blame on human cause. The problem is we are doing research using technology today for research to be done over 1000 years ago. No one can really proove that the way our earth is warming up, is not what was really meant to be. I think if we try to change the output of our faith, we may be playing with mother nature. I do believe that we should take care of enviroment, however i dont think we spend so much money for items out of our control. We just need to control our actions on what we do affect on our planet. Work on cleaner power, fuel, and economics so that we are not so lazy and work with our hands to do build the future.

Anonymous said...

I think that the first poster, bryan, is right on the money.

The whole global warming "debate" is akin to the intelligent design vs evolution "debate". The deniers of global warming have about as much credibility as the proponents of intelligent design.

The fact that the media might give room for both supporters and deniers of a position does not mean that they have equal merit or authority. In seeking "balance", the media will often grant disproportional influence to what are otherwise fringe elements.

The creationist or the global warming denier might be deluded and unsupported by scientific consensus, but the moment they are placed on the same stage as real scientists, it's hard for the general public to know the difference.

The fact is that global warming is real and (at least) mostly man-made. There could be other factors in play that are contributing to global warming, but right now it's undeniable that human activity is making things worse.

Just like the only reason to deny evolution is spurious religion, the only reason to deny global warming is dirty politics beholden to special interests.