Friday, November 30, 2007

What if anything can/should we do?

Contribute your thoughts and links by clicking on the word “COMMENTS” below.


Anonymous said...

To help reduce the consequences of natural global warming (scientist indicate the world is coming out of an ice age), pollution must be reduced as it is a major contribution to global warming. Statistics indicate transportation sources--more than anything else--contribute the most pollution. Reportedly, only 5% of pollution is form non-transportation sources. So it seems obvious that we need to reduce our travel time, but as this is not truly possible due to geography, we need to make a strong effort to make environmentally friendly cars, busses, airplanes, etc.

Other factors that make are planet warmer that we can control:
2-cigarettes (I know this one sounds funny, but check out the research-it is a big factor)
3-chemical plants

Anything that “stirs up” the carbon gases and other poisons gases is a factor. With 6.5+ billion people in the world every little thing adds up quickly.

This is my very first blog post!

Anonymous said...

In retrospect, there are trivial changes that everyone (individual, or corporation) could phase into their life / purpose. Listed below are a few starters that I actually have implemented myself prior to this discussion.
• Use paper over plastic – I’m actually taking it further and starting to reuse a canvas bag. (Randalls sells them, and encourages people to use them as a better form of recycling)
• Use energy efficient light bulbs – they cost more, but don’t burn out as fast, and it lowers your electric bill because you consume less energy! (They actually cost less in the long run!)
• Recycle if feasible – I don’t do it because the city I reside in makes it a pain in the booty.
• Support alternative fuel – if you can afford a hybrid, or other “environmental friendly” model vehicle buy one, if not make it a goal for next time.
• Learn what small modifications you are willing to do to help the environment; figure out ways to implement them into your daily routine.
• Most importantly! – Do not allow extremism on either end of the scope to formulate your opinion of this or any issue! Research it for yourself, use non partisan resources
• (More on this in the next segment) Fully understand what you believe and why! Utilizing this information, implement your plan of action. (Again, this is for any issue, not just the topic of discussion.)
o Never jump on the bandwagon with out understanding and rationalizing to yourself the reason you are supporting any cause.

Anonymous said...

I think to help reduce global warming we must as a nation come together. We must stop the co2 output by not using the cars as much, don't top off, and by riding/walking around more. Stop cutting down as many trees and instead plant more to keep up with as much co2 that we produce each day.

Anonymous said...

To reduce the problems of global warming we need to address the problem at its source. Mandate that all engines of transportation run cleaner; that industries stop dumping pollution into the air and waters; people who start forest fires get the death sentence; and eliminate tobacco products that produce smoke.

maverick said...

And stop being so darn selfish.

Monica Martinez said...

I believe we should all do our part to decrease global warming. There are many things that I hadn't realized contributed to global warming. For example, we could buy hybrid vehicles, recycle, use energy efficient light sources, etc.

Jessica Snell said...

I believe the government should take a bigger stand to protect the environment. If being environmentally friendly became an issue of legality, things would have to improve. There should be tougher regulations on chemical plants. There should be more strict regulations on car emissions as well. Recycling could be made mandatory as well.

Anonymous said...

Even if global warming is not proven scientifically, common sense would urge reduction of use of harmful chemicals, etc., that could possibly harm the atmosphere and have been shown to contribute to unhealthy results in the human body and possibly the environment. All the pollution is unhealthy regardless if it causes problems with the ozone or causes global warming. Alternate sources of energy should be considered in the interest of conservation for future generations.

Anonymous said...

I think there is alot we can do together to at least slow down global warming some what. We can stop cutting down trees and start planting more. We can ride our bikes or walk and cut down on our co2 output causing pollution. Anything we do is better then not doing anything at all, we need to stop sitting on our butts and do at least something about it.

Anonymous said...

I think that we should limit all the emitting of pollution our factories are putting out. I also belive that global warming could be hurting form all of this and we do want another ice age.

Anonymous said...

Global wartming isn't real! the earth is just going through its natural stages.

Anonymous said...

If there is a real solution to problem of global warming I am all for it. I think it is a little late to be recycling etc. as a solution, it is just too little too late. We should have thought about that a few generations ago. Not that we shouldnt recycle and reduce carbon emissions, I just dont see it changing much when we still have large corporations leveling forests, and polluting the atmosphere with tons of CO2.

Anonymous said...

I think we should put better filters on our exhaust, or car pool more. or get a better form of fuel that wont put off as much polutants.

Anonymous said...

Global warming is real and is man made. Something we could help stop.

Anonymous said...

There are alot of things we can and should do to help global warming, like putting filters on the smoke stacks of factories and decreasing the amount of time we drive.

Anonymous said...

more global warming and ozone damage is caused by one volcanic eruption than several years worth of pollution. i think people should stop worrying about our precious sky. its gonna give out when God tells it to. which He will, but not yet. i think the ammount of money and effort put towards ozone-awareness and funding to keep it better is completely wasted and would be better spent if it were put towards feeding the hungry and helping the poor. sure God wants us to take care of the world He gave us, but seriously, He was a heck of alot more adamant about taking care of widows and orphans. but whatever, let the tree-huggers hug their way to world peace. i for one will not be doing that. once every child has a home and food in his belly, we can talk about global warming. not a moment sooner.

Anonymous said...

In order to prevent more damage from global warming, I think we should all give up a little something from our everyday lives.
If we all just reduced the amount of electricity we used for example or if we all car pulled, then our world would be a much better place. Riding bikes or walking wouldn't be such a bad a idea either since it would make everyone more healthy.
I think that by everyone making a little sacrifice, a big postive outcome could be achieved.

Kent said...

The idea that we can stop global warming at all is still up for debate. The Earth has natural cycles that it goes through to stabilize itself.
Simply put our Earth is a finite entity. Given that Earth will not be around forever if we find ways to better the health of mankind and the environment we should pursue those ends.
Whether it be alternative fuel, better sources of energy or even the cessation of smoking, they are all a step in the right direction.
There may come a day when these changes must be made whether it be because of resource shortage or simply because the Earth cannot take any more abuse. One way or another a new road must be forged. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Anonymous said...

Now i realize that Global warming is caused by multiple things, both natural and human-made. Many of the Natural causes such as the temperature cycles the earth goes through and the atmospheric gases released like gaseous water vapor, CO, and Methane is very hard to if not impossible to stop. However Global warming is not solely caused by nature itself. I think it's safe to say that the leading cause of these man-made reasons for global warming is exhaust from cars and other motors, and chemical plants. I realize that the EPA has limits to the amount of Greenhouse gases a chemical plant can release, but the amount of these emissions is still very high. Maybe our country can strive to enact a law to where that chemical plants are not allowed to emit these gases and chemicals. The technology for doing this probably does not exist and many may see it as being impossible, but look to J.F.K.'s ideas about going to the moon, many thought that was impossible but we did it.